Presentation of skills sponsorship
Skills sponsorship is a free engagement of one or more persons or companies, in the service of an NGO, from France or for missions abroad. Financial donation is essential to initiate projects and support project leaders, but the involvement of experts at our side is essential to structure qualitative projects.
Companies and experts in the renewable energy sector, how to get involved?
As part of his commitment, the expert devotes part of his time (personal or professional) to provide technical support for an electrification project. In professional context, the time spent can give rise to a tax advantage for the company (tax deduction of 60% of the employee’s gross hourly cost).
Skills sponsorship is intended to cover all the technical issues related to access to energy, to support populations in poverty (feasibility study, sizing, installation phase, implementation of monitoring, follow-up and maintenance).
The primary objective of skills sponsorship is to respond to a societal need or issue, but it is not achieved in order to obtain a counterpart for the expert or an outlet for the company for which he works. Skills sponsorship is an approach of openness to society.
Communication of your commitment
As part of the promotion of skills sponsorship, your logo and/or company name and/or actions of your collaborators participating in a fund project will appear in all communications (press, digital) of Synergie Renouvelable.
A progress report on the project in which your employee(s) participate, which can be used in all your communication media (situation report, photos, videos).

The mission
Construction of a bio-climatic boarding school for children at the Shey Landom school in Ladakh (Indian Himalayan) in partnership with the Good Planet Foundation.
« This experience was unusual both on the human level with the humility of the ladakhis, the smile of the children, and our deep desire to bring them a minimum of comfort in winter; and on a professional level with a mission carried out under difficult conditions: 3500 m altitude, a time schedule limited to 15 days, a distance of 15 km between the shipyard and the city of Leh. This experience will remain unforgettable, it is a chance to have had the opportunity to live it. »
Zine Tahouil – engineer – Ténergie

The mission
In July 2014, Sylla Machines’ teams, accompanied by Zine Taouil, an engineer at Tenergie commissioned by Synergie Solaire, electrified the community areas of the remote rural village of Kobongoye: school centres, health areas (maternity ward and women’s home) and the reception centre.
“Wonderful! This is the word that sums up my experience at Kobongoye 1: I met teams on the spot who were very motivated by the project. They were impressive! A ceremony was held at the end of the work to communicate about the project and, above all, to raise awareness to ensure that these facilities are sustainable over time. We were all proud and aware of the value of the work we have done! »